Quick Update

20160319I’ve added a few new things to the site! We now have a very simple forum, thanks to Robert W.’s suggestion. In order to post in the forum you’ll need to sign up for a Basic Account, which is free.

Also, thanks to SoCalGuy, you now have the option to view my blog posts in a cleaner format. Just click “List” at the top right hand corner (under the menu bar) to display my blog posts in a chronological list.

A lot of people have been liking my Tumblr feed. I decided to expand it to include my posts from Facebook and Instagram as well, so it’s now called my Social feed.

I’m working on coming up with perks for VIP members as well as Basic Account members, so keep an eye out for those. If you have any suggestions, please post them in the forum or email me directly.

That’s it for now. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Luana Lani