New Forum + Add to Wishlist Button + More


Hi guys! I wanted to let you all know about three new additions to my site.

Add to Wishlist: You now have the ability to add photosets, videos, zipsets, and other products to your wishlist. How does it work? When you’re on a product page for a photoset or video, you’ll see an Add To Wishlist button. Just push the button and you’re good to go! If you’re logged into your account, you’ll see your wishlist at the bottom of your account page. If you’re not logged in, your wishlist will be stored for up to 30 days or until you clear your cookies. Now, what the heck is a wishlist for? Well, it’s for when you’re still considering an item and not quite ready to checkout yet! Keep track your favorite content in your wishlist and come back to it later when you’re ready to purchase. Neato!

Luana’s Wishlist: A few of you have been asking for my wishlist. So…here ya go! If you need to find it again in the future, look under Fun Stuff in the menu.

Forum: The other thing I changed is the forum. I would love for you guys to stop by, introduce yourselves, and participate in the discussions =) This forum is still in ‘test’ mode, meaning I may or may not keep it depending on how it performs. So, go check it out under Fun Stuff and let me know what you think!

Luana’s Closet: I now have a section in my shop called Luana’s Closet. This is where I’ll post some of my favorite wardrobe pieces for sale. These pieces will not be available for auction. These one of a kind Luana items come with a signed print. Right now I only have two posted but I’m working on going through my closet and getting more up. Keep an eye out for new stuff!

Luana Lani